
7 360 is not 360

First, there are 360 panoramas and then there are 360 spherical[1] pictures. And then there are 360 videos! Finally, it makes a difference if you look at all these on a screen or if you put your VR goggles on. And by the way, the virtual worlds are 360, too!

Example of a 360° pic by Google.

When you are on a mobile device, go to the cardboard view for 3D by clicking the cardboard icon (at the bottom left of your screen).

When it looks like this, put on your goggles.

I used the App GoogleStreetview to take the following picture. Unfortunately the download is bad quality.

This is the same spot in Lucca but at another time of day and taken with real 360° gear by David Wortley.

If you embed a 360° pic wrongly on eSkript –setting it falsely to stereo– it looks like this. I like the effect, though.


I haven‘t checked these out yet but I will.

I got these links from the presenters of CIAKCristina Bralia and Chiara Lanzani.

  1. That's just the term that I came up with.


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