
6 Augmented Reality

An intro on how to do it yourself! 😉 or with your students.

Augmented with Swift (iOS)

Perugia, Itis
Industiral Technical institute

ICT Teacher: Gianfranco Cotumaccio, specializes in Augmented reality / Machine learning

Student project: Recognizing objects in the real world.
Note: The comparison engine is built in. (You only need to enter the images.)

Xcode (because Swift Playgrounds is actually for learning), ARKit



My iPad in Action

I had already played Swift (Playgrounds) some time ago, so it was a bit boring. But then, I could play with the ‚Augmented Reality‘ learning module that I hadn‘t known about.


The second lesson in ‚Augmented Reality‘

The camera shows your surroundings, tries to find a plane surface and, if successful, shows you the grid. This is my floor at home.

The fourth lesson in ‚Augmented Reality‘

Again, the camera shows your surroundings, tries to find a plane surface and, if successful, shows the Swift character you have chosen, and it can perform actions, e.g. turn towards you.



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